My Self-Help
80% completed
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Information you provided
- Yes, my dealer is listed in the VSA Online Search
- Yes, the licence status is Issued.
- Yes. The vehicle list says the VSA can help
- No. My vehicle is not used most of the time for personal, family, or household use.
Save your progress. Email your progress to have a record and be able to return to this page.
Information you provided
- Yes, my dealer is listed in the VSA Online Search
- Yes, the licence status is Issued.
- Yes. The vehicle list says the VSA can help
- No. My vehicle is not used most of the time for personal, family, or household use.
Regular Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Closed all BC statutory holidays, plus
Easter Monday and Boxing Day
Phone: 604-575-7255 or toll free
© 2022 Vehicle Sales Authority of BC
All Rights Reserved
Thank you for answering questions about your issue.
Thank you for answering questions about your issue.
Based on your answers, the VSA cannot help you with resolving your issue. We can only help with issues involving vehicles that are mostly used, or going to be used, for personal, family, or household needs.
You have other options for resolving your issue. Please select from the list below.